I usually push the speed limit a bit but as I looked in the rear view mirror, she was quite a ways behind so I slowed down a bit since I didn't want to leave her behind. It was a 2 1/2 hour drive to Spokane and I felt like I was dragging us along and it was a little frustrating but I was just going with it and trying to just enjoy my driving music.
When we were getting closer to our destination I had slowed down quite a bit to accommodate her and she passed me going more the speed I would have been normally driving. We pulled in to a McDonald's to eat a quick bite before her appointment and she commented that she thought I was a faster driver! I was driving too slow for her, even, but she apparently liked to follow a ways back without driving too close! Well, I guess some communication would have been a good thing before we left the house!
This was one of my aha moments. When I'm behind the steering wheel I do a lot of thinking so on the way home I was able to see the lesson in our almost- late- to- the- appointment experience.
I think I am a people-pleaser; not something I really ever thought I was, but in looking back on so many of my experiences with others( including this experience) has taught me that I really am! I don't like to admit to this; I'd rather think of myself as an independent thinker and doer, but maybe being raised in the South with manners being a huge part of my upbringing has added to this trait that I'm not proud of. Now, mind you, I am happy to have good manners (it's important to me) and I want my family as well as others around me to be happy, but I want to find a way that I can be myself.

The other evening at a football game where I attended with my brother-in-law and sister-in-law to watch their son play, my son (who was there with his wife) commented to my sister-in-law (after I had left to help my mother-in-law get to bed) that I complicated things. My sister-in-law, who was very wise, told him that I complicated things because I try to please everyone. I don't think I had ever thought of it that way, but she said it perfectly!
Sometimes I think I'm a mess, but I'm grateful that I have the tools to clear some of these issues and move forward. For some reason, being away from home and the day-to-day details has left me open to learn some things about myself that I in my ostrich moments would rather not, but I know it's all for the best.
Have any of you experienced some of these same issues and how do you overcome them in a practical way?