Thursday, April 25, 2013

Happiness Fridays - Comparing Ourselves With Others

                                   New Happiness Fridays post at ThoughtfullnessbySharon

Wednesday, April 24, 2013


So, I have not blogged for over a week and I missed my weekly Happiness Friday posting, but in all fairness to me, I was traveling on Friday from Texas back to Washington State and it was a full day of airport layovers and long flights.  I did; however, miss it.  I have been thinking about posting my Happiness Friday a few days late but have not felt very inspired.  Maybe it's the time change?  Or  maybe it's missing my family?  Or maybe it's a lack of organized thoughts?  Who knows, but I just feel like writing something right now so please bear with me.  I really have no idea what will be coming out of my head in the next few minutes!
                                                      Today while out with a friend and running errands I opened up my e-mail on my phone and saw another Truthbomb from Danielle Laporte.  The question was, "What do you really want to happen, really?"  That's a loaded question since there is more than one thing I would love to see happen.

I have blogged in the past about what I want and I still want those things.  Lately I have been trying to figure out how to figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life; I am not getting any younger!  This morning the thought occurred to me that maybe I am thinking too much of what I want rather what I could be doing for others?   I know there are opportunities I could be taking daily to do something for someone else other than myself.

I have one more thing I would like to ramble a little about.  I was in the kitchen a few minutes ago wiping my cabinet door (I saw a little dirty streak) when I caught sight of the bottom of the cabinet door that I stupidly sat a candle under a few years ago around Christmas time.  It's bubbled a little and I remember how panicked I was when one of my "adopted" sons yelled out from the kitchen, "Mama B" your candle is burning your cabinet door!  I have not seen that man in a while now and do not know when I will see him again; I let myself feel sad for a minute.

I now have to get up and change sheets on a bed for my son and his family who will be here in about an hour and a half!  I miss those twin baby girls as well as seeing my son and daughter-in-law.

What can I say?  It has been a kind of rambling day for me, but as I was out and about in my small town I enjoyed the beauty of Springtime which is obvious with all of the blossoming trees and flowers.

How has your day been?  

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Happiness Fridays - How Do You Remain Happy?

New Happiness Friday post at  Please join me and have a Happy week!

Fear of Failure is Not an Option, is it?

I have talked about fear in the past and about not giving in to it but going through it and coming out on the other side a better person.  I am feeling that fear now and am fearful of failing. 

I have chosen to make a change to my blog location.  My son, who I visited for a week and a half, is a whiz at web design.  He has talked to me a few times about switching my blog over to word press because it has a more professional look and he thinks it's better. 

On Easter Sunday Google, who owns blogspot and a million lots of other sites as well, chose to honor Cesar Chavez's birthday.  I'm not opposed to someone not celebrating a religious holiday, but in our country that was founded on "God we trust" when a company blatantly chooses to honor someone who represents something opposite of what our Country was founded on, that bothers me. 

I may be a little rebellious, but that's what it took for my son to convince me to make the change.

Now I am feeling fearful; hoping that I will not lose readers or followers.  I know that things usually work out well, but the fear is still there. 

So, this will be my last post on blogspot.  I am not closing my blog down at the moment; I am not sure I can do that without my son's help.  I have worked on my blog for longer than anything else and have not totally given up on the idea of writing; I would hate for the change to be the end of me. 

As I write this post, I can feel the emotion well up inside with a few tears just short of falling.  That is what fear feels like to me!  How about you?  How does fear feel to you? 

I am taking a deep breath and pushing through.  Hopefully coming out on the other side will feel amazing and continue to feel happy as I continue to explore topics and look for ways to continue to be happy and fulfilled.. 

I am asking if you would still follow me?  If you'll change my link in your blog?  I still have much to explore and learn and would love it if you'd come along with me!  I will still continue to follow blogs on my list and I have had my son add them to my new blog at .

Thank you for your support so far and I hope to see you again! 

Monday, April 1, 2013

A Quick Note and a Reflection

I have a quick thought to post today; I don't have a schedule with being out of town, but I have a minute so I"d like to make a note:

I was riding in the car with  my son and his family today, running errands and having lunch.  As I looked down at my hand laying on the arm rest I noticed that it looked just like my Mom's hand!  I know there are quotes and comical observations about becoming our Mothers and seeing our Mothers in the mirror as well as our Mom's voices coming out of our mouths (I have had that happen while raising my children), but for some reason seeing my Mother's hand today made me think.

When we are younger we do not value our Moms as much (well, maybe that's a teenage thing); however, as I get older I have observed my Mom and the things she's gone through in her life as she was a child and the sacrifices she has made for me and my family all of these years. 

I will get to visit my Mom and Dad next this week and am looking forward to it!  When I was younger and had seen my Mom's hand while looking at mine I may not have loved the idea, but now as I see her hand in mine I am honored.  I can only hope that my daughter feels the same about me as she gets older.