Sunday, April 1, 2012

Where is Your Sense of Adventure?

Today is my first posting for the A to Z Challenge in which almost daily in April I will need to post something on my blog that follows along with the corresponding letter.  I haven't posted anything daily for quite some time and that's a challenge in itself, but to be specific and not random in my postings is an adventure for me!

There are many types of adventures.  When I think of adventures my first adventurous thought is to go on a safari!  I'm not sure I'll ever get to do that one, but I can have small adventures daily and medium-sized adventures along the way as well. 

So far, in my life, my biggest adventure is having children and actually raising them.  With children you never know what's going to come up that day; it can create in yourself a feeling of fear or feeling of adventure depending on what your perceptions are.   Let's face it; some days just weren't all that fun and some days were full of surprises!  I'll admit that I wish I had had more of a sense of adventure during the potty training years; I just didn't know how to view that experience as an adventure over a dreaded experience.  My children would have benefited greatly from the knowledge I've gained throughout the years; however, I wouldn't want to be raising kids in my 50's!  (maybe I can pass my sense of adventure and experiences on to my grandchildren)

 I hope I taught my kids some kind of sense of adventure.   When I'd ask my children if they'd like to go to the store with me and they didn't want to, I'd tell them that they didn't know what they might be missing out on because on many occasions my path varied on the way to and from the store!  And then there were many times of coming home in our little 1985 BMW that I'd speed down our street(we live on a very small street) filling whoever was in the car with me with a little rush of adrenaline and laughter!

Other adventures in my life include marriage (a lifelong adventure that started before kids!), friendships (yes, I've had some interesting and adventurous relationships), amusement park expeditions, road trips to Texas, certifying in Rapid Eye Technology (that was a BIG adventure and stepping out of the box experience for me!), as well as a trip with my husband's family back East and a cruise we're going on with them at the end of April.  I guess I look at life as an adventure; probably the greatest adventure of them all.  I know of no other experience in which we can learn so much if we choose to. 

I could go on and on about daily adventures such as seeing wild turkeys in my yard and then running outside to find 5 of them high up in one of our huge trees!  Who knew that turkeys could fly?

I am choosing to look at this A to Z Challenge as a big adventure for me at this time in my life.  Where else am I going to virtually meet so many different people?  This is a big stepping out of the box experience for me; one that fills me with butterflies and excitement.  So each new day I'll arise with looking for some new adventure to report and I'm sure I'll find one! 


  1. Yay!!! Adventures! What a great topic! Welcome to A to Z, you are gonna love it!!!

  2. Raising a family is a huge adventure. A to Z is a fun blogging adventure. It looks like you got badge issue straightened out. At least I see it and it goes to the A to Z blog when I click on it so I guess you're okay now.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

    1. Thanks, Arlee, yes I did thanks to my daughter-in=law! :) I still have lots to learn!

  3. By the way you might want to consider moving the A to Z badge and your follower widget to the top of the sidebar to give you more visibility as a participant and so visitors might be more apt to click on Follower button.

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog

  4. I enjoyed reading your entry for "A". I, too, am a mother, and so far, I have found it to be very adventurous. Well, if you equate sleeplessness with adventure,then I'm living on the edge!

  5. I agree with you that parenting and marriage are two of the greatest adventures that a person can undertake - and I hope that attitude will help me to continue to be a good wife and mother, and to enjoy my relationships with my husband and my kids.

    Great entry!
