I have a "sign" that I purchased while in Seattle with my friend about a month ago at the U District Goodwill (love that store!) which reads, "Live Simply, Give More, Expect Less". I have it hanging in my hallway where I pass it a jillion (fun word!) times a day and I always read it as I'm walking past.
Years (I mean at least 15 or so years) ago I purchased a little sign at a craft show which reads, "simplify" and obviously at that time in my life I was looking to maybe simplify my life a little with 5 children still at home with all of their various activities and loads of their friends at our house eating all of our food! (that was a great time in my life and I loved it!) So, obviously, the word "simple" in all of its forms resonates with me. I also have a book sitting right next to my keyboard titled, "Living the Simple Life" (great yard sale purchase!) ; it's a paperback book but it is 349 pages long! How much can someone write about simplifying one's life?
What do you think of when you hear the word "simplify" or "simply" or even simple?
I think "less complicated" or even "living with one purpose in mind" and in living with one purpose, all of my "doings" would be aimed at living with that purpose. (I have not read the book yet and I am sure there are all kinds of ideas I had not thought of but am looking forward to exploring.)
And what do I need to say about "giving more"? I know in my life that I could be more giving, thinking more about others. I am choosing to not feel guilty about this, but now that I am more aware I will be looking for more ways to be giving.
I love the phrase, "Expect Less". I remember a friend telling me about a therapy session in which the therapist told her to expect less; that she was always surprised when something did not happen that she was expecting to happen(not a good thing for her). And in thinking about "expecting less"; it rather frees me from feeling disappointed when someone doesn't do what I had expected them to; it frees me to do my part without any expectations in return.(kind of like the 100/0 Principle I blogged about a while back).
How would our world be if we all lived by this saying: "Live Simply, Give More, Expect Less" (and I think I only paid $5.00 for it; what a find!)
"Be absolutely determined to enjoy what you do."
----Gerry Sikorski
I want that sign!!!! Seriously great. ;)