Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude

  Last night as I was going to bed I thought it was time to start my "gratitude" journal-ing once again.  As I read through some of my older lists it reminded me of what was going on in my life at the time, AND since I am not consistent in journal-writing (really? no kidding! LOL) the gratitude lists help recall my life and what I was focusing on at the time of the entries.
  I have a sign in my dining room/family room that reads "An Attitude of Gratitude Creates Blessings".   I love having reminders of positive things around me to help remind myself to be better.  I also have a plate in my kitchen that my future daughter-in-law (at the time; she's now in our family thank goodness!) that reads "a grateful plateful" as well as "a thankful heart"-another reminder for me to be grateful.
    I do believe that what we focus on is what shows up in our lives; I have seen that happen in mine.  Now, I have never had the experience of focusing on a monetary or material goal and have had that show up for me , but then again, I haven't actually set my mind on that yet; at least not in a consistent manner.   BUT I have had had the extreme pleasure of looking for things to be grateful for as I was keeping my gratitude journals. 
    I remember a time in my life that I was keeping a consistent list of things to be grateful for; only 3 -5 things a day.  I was sitting in a parking lot waiting to go inside a store to service their greeting cards and watching a seagull eating some leftover hamburger or something.  I found great joy in that sight!  (Disclaimer here:  I love seagulls; they are my favorite birds.  I know I am in the minority here but I still love watching them!)  My lesson that day (and that was probably eight years ago) was that as I was looking  for things to be grateful for, I was seeing things to be grateful for and finding joy in that journey.
    I thought about starting a gratitude list on this blog; however, I will spare everyone (well, right now it's just me *S*) my lists; however, I do try and not list the same things everyday unless they are big things for me at the time.  I have a red beaded book that I keep on my night table which I bought in Spokane when I was with friends. ( I have a wonderful friend who has been consistent in keeping a gratitude journal for YEARS and she pointed out to me that I need to have a book that I love writing in and I do love that book!  (what will I do when I fill it?*S*)
    So this day, as well as in upcoming days, I am looking for things, people, experiences, miracles, etc... to be grateful for since I am now accountable to do this everyday.  I like to write in the evening before I go to bed and reflect on all that I have to be grateful and I do have more than I deserve.   With this in mind each day I know I will have much more to be grateful for and find pleasure in the looking.

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