Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A New Post

Last week was a blur, a whirlwind, but at the same time seemed to last longer than a week!  Time is a funny thing; it seems to fly by but then when I think of blogging a week ago, that seems like forever ago!  I'm sure there's some quantum type of explanation but it eludes my mind.  A while back my oldest son related a type of definition of filling your time.  He said that as we have days full of activity the time seems to last longer.  I'm not all too sure about this definition but it does seem to apply to last week for me.  Time is a funny thing.

In my blog on Tuesday, I wrote about focus and that idea that had been brought to my mind on that day.  This past week I seemed to have lost my focus or at least my important focus- my days felt rushed with Christmas "ideas" and getting ready for overnight visitors and then a weekend of friend activities and shopping. 

Sunday morning early, when I was sleepy but not able to sleep, I thought of how I had lost my focus of important things; I had forgotten to stop and take time for the important things in my life (communication with Father in Heaven and reading scriptures and connecting with family and even writing in my gratitude journal). 

The word, still, came into my mind.  I hadn't let myself be still long enough to maintain my focus even in just taking a few minutes to be still and think of what mattered most during that upcoming day.  I know that there will always be things I need to get done, things that are mundane and ordinary around the house and especially with Christmas coming there are gifts to be purchased and mailed, and with my youngest son's upcoming wedding next week there are items that need to be taken care of.  I have to figure out a way to take some time each morning and evening to be still and focus on the day and to remember what mattered most. I have a friend who is blogging about keeping this Christmas season simple and full of the true meaning; maybe I can do that next year?  I seem to fill mine with everything.

This morning as I checked email (I haven't looked at it since Saturday) it looked more like my junk mail folder rather than my inbox!  Is there some kind of metaphor for my life in my email folder?  Maybe so; I think I need to figure it out but first I have to wrap gifts and finish the buying on-line for shipping out of state and then making a photo book and a calendar before the sale on the website ends! 

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