Saturday, December 24, 2011

What, I Have a Blog?

Today a friend of mine paid me a great complement, stating that through my blog I had helped change her thoughts and perceptions a little bit during the year.  I am grateful that I was able to help even if it was just a smidgen.  As I was reading her complement, I was reminded that yes, I do have a blog.  I've forgotten about it just a little during this past week and  half of madness with Christmas and a wedding!

I have thought a little bit about what I'd like to accomplish during the coming year on Thought"full"ness.  I feel like I need a direction instead of so much randomness.  There's a book called The Happiness Project, in which the author maps out a year of things to do to be happy.  I think that's a great idea and I love the book. 

Her first month, which was January, she picked "getting more sleep" as an avenue to achieve more happiness in her life.  She would go to bed earlier in the evening; I'm not sure I want to give up all of my late nights (at least not yet!).  I'm not certain that we all have to do the same things to become happier; it's an avenue to explore; we are all individuals with different personalities and responsibilities. 

I do think this would be a great year to explore all kinds of ways to become happier and more fulfilled and to do it with ease instead of struggle.  Would any of you like to take a journey in 2012 with me?  I'm not huge on New Year Resolutions; I just like the idea of a new year to grow and to learn, adding new experiences and memories to my life. 

So on this Christmas Eve, I wish you all a very Merry Christmas filled with much love and wonderful memories.  I am grateful to my Savior for his birth, life, death and resurrection.  May we celebrate his life in living ours to the fullest, including others in our journey. 

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