Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Some Thoughts on My Challenge and Balance

We had a wonderful weekend in Canada at the baby blessing of our twin granddaughters-the ones I've written about born at 26 weeks!  They are precious and we are so blessed that they are doing well.  I've noticed, at least for me, when I'm not at my home and visiting others that my routine (or the things I attempt to do daily) kind of goes out the window.

I think for this past visit, most of the attention was spent on fostering relationships while thinking about eating foods that weren't too bad for me as well as remembering my gratitude journal and my spirit. 

I'm not positive that it's realistic for me to fit all of the 7 areas that I've posted in one day, at least daily (even when I am home).  There is balance or at least, needs to be balance.

When I think and try to do something good for my body daily the things I do may be different depending on the day and how my body feels.  I want to workout daily and eat foods to support my health as well, but there are some days that my body needs a "break".  There are days when I might not feel well physically and I need to pay attention to what my body is telling me that it may need. 

And then there's the huge challenge of giving my body the sleep it needs.  For me, that is the greatest challenge.  The challenge of going to bed and sleeping to rest my body as well as my mind. 

I see life (and learning to incorporate the 7 items on my list) as a balancing act.  When you watch a tightrope walker keeping his or her balance he is not "still".  He is constantly moving this way and that in an attempt to keep his balance without falling.  And isn't that the way life is for us ?  We don't keep balance when we're stagnant.  I feel like when I am in balance that I am constantly making little corrections here and there, and maybe that's the huge challenge. 

When I was raising kids, my daily activities revolved around their needs; they set my schedule.  Right or wrong, that's how I did it.  Now, I am my best friend or my worst enemy; I am the one to set my schedule (or lack of schedule) unless I have kids coming to visit.  I'm not sure there's an absolute answer to any of this; maybe it's just in the trying and in the learning that I find joy, but I still have to make the effort. 

There's the quote that says, "Happiness is not a station you arrive at but a manner of traveling."  I could very well change the word, happiness to balance and the meaning would be the same.  It's in the trying and the doing that brings growth. 

1 comment:

  1. I love that life is not just about the destination, but enjoying the's a quote that I read many years ago and is how I try to live. I really don't want to miss anything along the way...
