Yesterday I "shared" a quote on facebook from someone that read, "Don't Believe Everything You Think." It all goes back to some of my earlier blog postings; everything begins with our "thoughts".
Some of our thoughts are less than positive about us, sometimes others, and sometimes about the world around us. Why do we pay attention to negative thoughts? A negative thought is not self-serving (unless I want a big plate of "discouragement"); it's best to replace it as soon as I have it.
"It's not who you are that holds you back,
it's who you think you're not." I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE great quotes;
positive words, and new ideas . They inspire
use my time a little more wisely and in ways that I
can honor myself and those
around me. I use them (or, at
least, need to use them) daily.
So tonight before I go to sleep I will write down my "gratitudes"
for the day and think "positive" thoughts for tomorrow.
"She believed she could; so she did."
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